The Glorious Gift of Hate
Satan hates the word hate because he fears born again Christians will discover it’s tremendous power & use it against him. Some preachers call it “righteous indignation.” God is very familiar with hate. He instructs us to hate vain thoughts, false ways, lies (Ps.
, , , , , ), evil, pride, arrogance ( ) & sinful spotted garments ( ). Jehovah notes that He has 7 things He hates; proud looks, lying, hands that shed innocent blood, hearts that devise wicked imaginations, feet that run to mischief, a false witness and sowing discord ( ).Christ hates iniquity and deceptive teaching (
, , ).In Lk. 16:13 Jesus makes a remarkable statement “You cannot serve two masters. You must hate one of them. The Greek word for hate is miseo which means to despise. There are numerous Scriptures in the N.T. that specifically state a Christian is never to hate another human being. In Eccl. 3:8 Solomon said there is a time to love and a time to hate. We are instructed to hate what God hates and love what He loves since we are His adopted offspring. Jesus demonstrated this hate when he cleared the retailers out the Temple (Jn. 2:15). He demonstrated his hate of Satan & his horrible works when He rebuked him for talking out of Peter’s mouth. Jesus was offended by Satan (Mt. 16:23, Mk. 8:33) but,most American Christians are ok with him. Many don’t even believe in him at all.
What is one of the many failures of churches in America? They don’t pray for the Gift of Hate. It is a wonderful gift. Hating Satan, demons and sin will keep you from becoming a carnal, lukewarm Christian. By definition, someone who hates is not lukewarm. If you don’t hate sin you will eventually return to it. If you don’t hate compromise you will eventually relent. If you don’t hate failure you will eventually fail. If you can live with it then you have to keep it. If you can live without spiritual gifts you will never have any. If you can live with sickness you will never be well. If you can live with iniquity in your heart & sin in your life you will never be sanctified. If you can live with fear you will always be a coward. If you can live with lust you will always be a pervert. If you can live with yourself you will never die to yourself and fulfill your God given destiny. What is one common spiritual thread woven into all true disciples of Christ? They have the Glorious Gift of Hate. Why not you? Why not now?
-Brother Mike Smith,